Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Management of Creativity Essay

Bolman and Deal in their renowned Four Framework Approach declared that leaders all over the world tend to exhibit behaviour that fits in with one (of the 4) leadership models (or frameworks) suggested by them. These four models they christened as Structural, Political, Symbolic and Human Resource. Bolman and Deal suggest that of these models might prove either a success or a failure depending on the specific situation in which it is being used, particularly in the context of West End Musical theatre of Cambridge Theatre. In the following section, we take a closer look at three of these models. 1) The Structural Framework: In a successful condition, a leader following this leadership model will be a â€Å"social architect† who relies deeply on close inspection and detailed planning. These leaders will concentrate on factors such as structure, stratagem, setting, execution, trailing and adjustment. If however, his/her condition is unsuitable for this sort of leadership he/she will be found to be a bit of a bully and a ‘tyrant for details’. 2) The Political Framework – In the appropriate setting the ‘Political’ leader is an activist who tirelessly campaigns to help his followers cooperate and unite. Such leaders clearly spell out their needs and the means by which they intend to gain them. They are quick to gauge the distribution of capacity of the workers under him/her and the interests his/her establishment is likely to milk out of them. Building relations with the stakeholders will always be their first priority. For this, they will be likely to use persuasion and later negotiation or even a certain amount of force or pressure, if required. Of course, if the setting is unsuitable for this particular variety of leadership such leaders will prove grave failures and be seen as pushy and unscrupulous. 3) The Human Resource Framework – In a successful leadership setting a Human Resource leader is a medium or a channel who serves as supporter or a promoter and whose main occupation is to help empowerment. A typical Human Resource leader’s primary characteristic is his/her tremendous belief in people. However, it is not just their faith that ultimately makes them successful; instead, it is their capacity to communicate that faith. Such a leader is easily accessible and believes in keeping themselves available and in full view. They communicate their conviction in their workers strongly enough to convince them of their own capacities! They believe in increasing each staff-members contribution to the decision making process and in keeping their employees thoroughly informed. They empower their workforce and make them work as a whole, as a full-functional team where everyone is capable of making significant contributions. If the setting is, however not right for this variety of leadership such a leader will be found to be deceitful and deceptive. He/she may also be thought to abdicate from his duties and leave essential decision in the hands of less-experienced people who are not in any position to make important choices. (King, 2006) As if every successful leader comes to understand with time and experience no one, leadership model is adequately effective in all situations. Therefore, leaders often use various combinations of the four different models. In addition, it is also made quite clear that neither of these models is universally accepted in all situations and thus the style of leadership to be followed is largely dependant on the specific situation in which it is being applied. Take for instance the specific situation we have in hand. Given the major organizational modification that EEST is likely to undergo after its purchase by Oust a Structural leader rather than a purely visionary one will be more suitable for it. This is because Structural Leadership lays great amount of emphasis on ‘building’. Under the circumstances, EEST is in much need of this sort of structuring. Given the new employees and the burden of the old tasks of up gradation, EEST needs new strategies, new methodologies, new approaches and a completely new plan. A Structural Leader is capable of providing this better than others provide. Under the circumstances, the Director of Order Fulfilment Applications in the Information Technology department must therefore keep in mind that his/her, department (and Organization) is in dire need of ‘details’ that will allow it a new definition. As the leader the Director has the specific duty of providing these specific ‘details’, as of now. With time as the sudden changes settle down and ‘normality’ is established again, the Director may want to turn his/her attention to the level of growth and use Human Resource methods to step up progress. (Lamb, 2004) Despite our choice of one particular style of leadership, even during times of crisis (such as an organizational overhaul), we must keep in mind that no one leadership model can be our sole key to success. Our managerial capacities are proved only by means of our ability to combine and amalgamate various styles in order to obtain the results we are keen on achieving. For this, it is important for us to understand and tabulate our specific requirements and desired outcome before everything else. It is also of some value to understand our own selves and find out what our personal style of leadership is. Often our own unique approach, though theoretically quite inappropriate in a given situation, can prove to be a real savoir. As it is assumed that Cambridge Theatre lacked a proper form of leadership, it can be stated that with the help of these models it could have been more successful during its early days. It can well be stated that Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professionals under the aspects of Management principals can be defined as the art of creating industrial relations of any kind. This is between people engaged in the industry, such as relation between employers and employees, relation between individuals entering into commercial contracts, relation between investors etc, in order to maintain true cooperation of all concerned along with motivating the entire deal into a positive favour. Efficiency of the Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professionals lies in not only making the employees to work, but to make them work willingly, sincerely and consciously, by employing new knowledge, new methods, new designs, new machines and novel techniques of production and by allaying mistrust and antagonism. The Leadership purpose takes account of a several activities, and the most important among them is making a decision what staffing requirements one have and whether to use autonomous contractors or take into service employees to meet these needs. This is in accordance to appointing and training the excellent employees, making sure that they are better performers, handling performance related problems, and ensuring that the human resources and administrational practices do the accepted thing to various set of laws. Wright indicated in his book, The Moral Animal: why we are the way we are, that a fundamental supposition of Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professional’s approaches. It is that the whole staffs of the organization including both the management and the workers equally contributes to the common purpose, share the common objective and have full attention in progress of the organization. The Leadership policies and ideals undergo constant changes due to influence of some basic factors such as domestic and international competition, changes in the social structure and developments in technology etc. (Wright, 2000)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

High School Essay

I like to believe that everyone has their own goals and dreams they would like to accomplish. Every person’s dreams and goal differ from one another. My name is Gwendolyn Pavon, and I too, have goals and dreams that I hope to accomplish. Having a future and a good career is something I have always dreamed about. My current academic goals are to stay in school. Being in school is my main priority, and focusing on my schoolwork is important to me. I have the opportunity to be in school and receive financial help and I won’t let this opportunity pass by. I realize how hard things are getting in the real word. Careers are becoming harder to find and to keep, therefore I’m willing to get an education to get a good career. I never really had people to motivate me to stay in school until my senior year in high school. I opened up to my English teacher about a couple things, and she made me realize a lot. I remember being younger and my father telling me to say in school, but after he left I didn’t have much motivation. My English teacher always pushed me into doing my work and staying in school. It felt nice knowing she cared about me getting an education. She helped me with scholarship applications, with getting everything done to get into college and helped me out with anything I needed. College isn’t as easy as high school, but I’m honestly willing to do anything to get a degree and hopefully become a nurse one day. All the work, and waking up early will be worth it in the future. Soon I will have to get a job and save money for my own car. I’m not so sure if having a job and being in school will be so easy, but if it gets tough I will not give up. I have understood that there will be complicated times in life, but the one thing I will never do is give up. I don’t have much people to push me into doing what I want, but I push and motivate myself. I want the best things in the world, and having the best things means working hard to get them. I’m not the smartest person out there, but I know that I’m a pretty bright person. Although being in school isn’t something I like so much, I have decided to continue going. My weaknesses as a learner outweigh my strengths. I can get very distracted easily and I have trouble staying focused on a topic. I have to constantly remind myself to get back on topic. Getting  distracted interferes with my learning, but I work at it every day to try to focus on my work. The good thing is that if something really interests me, I give it my full attention. Being in school and sitting through fifty minute classes isn’t something I always enjoy but I do have days where I enjoy the classes. Focusing on my school work will be a little complicated for me, but I’m willing to put in all my effort to continue my education. Getting an education, being successful, and accomplishing my goals and dreams are really important to me. I will prove to people that I will be successful and continue getting an education.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Robert Brownings My Last Duchess Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Robert Brownings My Last Duchess - Essay Example In this manner she is finally entirely within his grasp. In life the Duchess had been free-spirited and blessed with a sunny disposition which had irked the Duke as he felt he could not suppress and possess her completely. In the finishing lines of the poem the Duke makes an allusion to Greek mythology which further illustrates his manic need for control and his inherent pride-"Notice Neptune, though/Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity/Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me! The poem is written using iambic pentameter and rhymed couplets. This sets the tone for the poem, and the language thus used gives the reader an impression of power wielded by the narrator. Another poetic device called the enjambment is used so that the lines at times have an unfinished feel creating a hanging effect, and ultimately creating a mood of apprehension as the Duke makes his chilling revelations. He is a compelling narrator and the words he uses have a subtle yet forceful quality to them.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sports recreation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sports recreation - Essay Example Notational analysis has emerged in the recent past and has proven to be a technique that can improve the level of professional sports. The technique is aiming at designing a competitive advantage. The game is analyzed by annotating players and matches for techniques and tactics using a technique commonly known as Notations.In order to examine advances taking place in the area of evaluating the effectiveness of the coach, we first examine how formal teaching effectiveness has been evaluated. Research on teaching effectiveness has developed since man acknowledged education as a quality value in life. The interaction between the student and the teacher is important in measuring effectiveness. This focus is directed towards a critical element in the learning process which is effective if it is positive. Coaches are required to outline key factors in performance, categories under which the factors will be classified and the criteria for success and unsuccessful performance. They are requi red to know the objectives in which they want to inflict on their students. The model of coaching requires a coaching practice plan in education programmed. An analysis is a new technique of recording performance, it facilitates identification of critical events in a specific performance and these events can later be grouped in terms of reliability and consistency. It enables qualitative response which is objective and accurate. This technique ensures that there is no alteration in performance without feedback records.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History of Canadian Labour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History of Canadian Labour - Essay Example Unlike many nations, Canada was not built by soldiers, politicians, and traders. It was built on the toil and sweat of those who built canals, cleared forests, prepared vast, uncultivated land for agriculture, and built railways. Cities and downs were made by labors in Canada - the working class people who were designated to write the future course of progression for this country. 'The Best Poor Man's Country' - the term which is ascribed to Canada frequently, hints at how the country's resources were utilized by the working class people under the supervision of labor unions and organizations. Considering the social nature of Canada, especially with regards to the immigration factor, getting cheap manual labor was never easy. In addition to this, the difference between the skilled labor force and not-so-competent workingmen was palpable in early Canada. The early unions in the country, instead of organizing various labor clans, aimed at maximizing their own profits out of the dearth of essential hands. The skilled workers demanded security and status in exchange for a total work commitment. History of Canadian labor in the twentieth century is marked by both achievements and setbacks. The role of unionism in the history of Canadian labor deserves a special mention. Despite the anti-union legislation that was formed in Nova Scotia in 1816, groups of workers in many parts of the country formed their own unions. In those early times in Canada, these labor organizations included shoemakers in Montreal and Hamilton; printers in Halifax, Quebec City, Montreal, Hamilton, and Toronto. Blacksmiths, shipwrights, carpenters, painters, tailors, and seamen also built their unions. Traders coming from the United Kingdom at the beginning of the nineteenth century introduced the British tradition of trade union movements. An international relation between Great Britain and Canada was established, leading to the merger of labors and intellectuals.  Ã‚  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis of Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray or The Importance Research Paper

Analysis of Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray or The Importance of Being Earnest - Research Paper Example Web. A modern review of Lady Bracknell includes interviews with women and men who have played the most formidable character in Earnest. I will use this article to show how Earnest has accumulated meaning over time. Gagnier, Regenia. Idylls of the Marketplace: Oscar Wilde and the Victorian Public. Stanford: University Press Stanford, 1986. Print. This book talks about the 'truth' of Earnest, which will add a different angle to my discussion of expectations both internal and external to the play. It also talks about the popular reaction to Wilde's downfall, shortly after the play opened, which will be of use as my paper will examine not only Earnest but also its playwright. Gillespie, Michael Patrick. Oscar Wilde and the Poetics of Ambiguity. Gainesville: University Press Florida, 1996. Print. Gillespie's book talks about Earnest in terms of expectations: contemporary expectations of Wilde, of young men, and of the play genre. This is something I would like to investigate further, and with this book's help I will show how studied triviality and Wilde's reputation interacted with expectation in Earnest. Kohl, Norbert. Oscar Wilde: The Works of a Conformist Rebel. Trans. David Henry Wilson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Print. The chapter on Earnest begins by declaring that before its first opening, audiences expected that Wilde's new play â€Å"would offer the very opposite of what was promised by the stolid-sounding title†. I find this interplay between title, content and expectation very interesting – with Earnest, was Wilde subverting expectations or living up to them? Prewitt Brown, Julia. Cosmopolitan Criticism: Oscar Wilde's Philosophy of Art. Virginia: Virginia University Press, 1997. Print. Prewitt Brown argues that Earnest â€Å"reflects the national myth of the century†, that an orphan can achieve great things in spite of uncertain origins. I will use her examples to ask whether Earnest was at all trivial, or if Wilde' s calculated superficiality is little more than a veneer. Sweet, Matthew. Inventing the Victorians. London: Faber & Faber, 2002. Print. Sweet's book offers a comprehensive new look at the Victorian era, and is very useful for subverting our expectations of Wilde's time. I will use this book to help create the background for my paper, placing us in Wilde's world rather than a modern misconception of Victorian Britain. Taylor, George. Players and Performances in the Victorian Theatre. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989. Print. In this book George Taylor looks at Victorian drama as a whole, examining how actors felt about their art. I hope to use this as a standard of expectation and seriousness by which to compare Earnest. Expectations of, and Undermined Triviality in, The Importance of Being Earnest The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde's last play and penultimate piece of literature before his untimely death in 1900, is pivotal in the life of its playwright because it was first performed in 1895, just a few short months before Wilde was sentenced to two years' hard labor in prison for his homosexual liaisons. The play is part of Wilde's carefully cultivated persona as a dandy, creating a tone of studied triviality which was lapped up by an audience â€Å"engaged in a continuous search for bigger and better thrills†

Warehousing and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Warehousing and Inventory Management - Essay Example A computerized management system is the best option. Any WMS must ensure an effective and efficient management of inventory. A WMS aims at controlling and storing of inventory in the warehouse. This process is closely linked to transactions such as putting away and picking, receiving and shipping. WMS also help in directing and optimizing inventory put-away based on real-time information concerning status of bin utilization. WMS usually make use of data capture facilities such as wireless LANs, RFID, mobile computers, and barcode readers. Data collection is followed by either batch synchronization or wireless transmission to a central database. This can then give useful reports about the status of inventory in the warehouse. WMSs aim at providing automated procedures of handling receipt and returns of inventory, modelling and managing logical representation of the warehouse, managing inventory within the store and enabling a seamless link to order processing. WMSs help in controlling the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse. They data-track inventory during production and interpret between existing ERP and WMS systems Warehouse management should be incorporated with the rest of the business to help in streamlining operations, reducing costs and speeding up order fulfilment. Setting up of a criterion to help in guiding the most efficient put away locations, bin quantities, and pick patterns is very vital in warehouse management. Any warehouse management practice should help in reducing bottlenecks and multiple handling. Materials handling information should be input directly from the warehouse to assist in reducing inefficiency and data handling redundancy (Frazelle, 2001). Pick and pack process in a warehouse should be automatically updated. This ensures accurate and timely fulfilling of orders and quickly responding to status inquiry. The warehouse management should decide on the sophistication level of their management system confidently. It should adapt to new volumes, technologies, products and processes with ease. It should also be at par with the growth of the business (Warman, 1971). Integration of other business operations such as manufacturing and order processing with warehouse helps in optimizing the layout, handling multiple orders, managing replenishment, and proper utilizing of space. The warehouse manager should incorporate various pick prioritization methods that include FIFO, FEFO and LILO into directed movement, pick and put away decisions (Frazelle, 2001). All credit or debit inventory records should be kept separate from sales, source documents and purchase receipts. This will help in maintaining accurate inventory records one when one needs to access records for display and testing among other operational needs. The warehouse manager should keep a visible inventory to help in increasing the efficiency and accuracy of management (Jenkins, 1968). To help in item tracking serial numbers should be used to help in determining where the products were bought, processed and sold. This will help in reducing waste and limiting carriage of expired stock via FEFO handling. Warehouse management

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Relationship Between Crude Oil And Natural Gas Prices Essay

Relationship Between Crude Oil And Natural Gas Prices - Essay Example Observing the pattern of crude oil and natural gas prices generally supports the economic theory and leads to the belief that both commodities do share a relationship. However, over the past few years, a decoupling of natural gas prices from crude oil prices has been observed (refer to graph 1.1 in appendix). This has led concerns over the strength of the relationship between crude and natural gas prices. Economic factors link crude oil and natural gas prices through supply and demand. There has been a strong conviction regarding the one-way relationship between the prices of crude oil and natural gas, whereby changes in crude figures influence natural gas prices and any changes in natural gas prices have no impact on crude. This is due to the relative size of each market. Prices of crude are determined on the world market whereas natural gas valuation takes place in regionally segmented markets. As a result, any adverse event or condition is unlikely to affect the global price of oil (Villar, Joutz) This paper attempts to signify the economic and statistical relationship between crude oil and natural gas prices. The period under review is from 1985 to 2005. ... Overview of Natural Gas Industry The structure of the natural gas industry has changed dramatically over the last 15 years. In the past, the structure of this industry was simple, with limited flexibility and few options for gas delivery. Exploration and production companies explored and drilled for natural gas, selling the product to transportation pipelines. These pipelines transported the natural gas, selling it to local distribution utilities, who in turn sold the product to its customers. Pricing at the exploration, production and transportation level was federally regulated whereas state regulation monitored the price at which local distribution companies sold natural gas to customers ( Prior to deregulation, the structure of the natural gas industry was very straightforward, however, it suffered from shortages in the 1970s and surpluses in the 1980s. Since deregulation, the industry is much more open to competition and choice. Prices are no longer regulated and are determined by the demand-supply forces. One of the notable differences in the revised structure of the natural gas industry is the existence of natural gas marketers. They serve to facilitate the movement of natural gas from the producers to the end users. Marketers may either own the natural gas being transferred, or simply act as facilitators for the transportation. Source : NGSA The diagram above shows the pathway of natural gas from producer to end user in a regulated environment. The diagram below shows the pathway in a deregulated environment where marketers exist and can sell directly to end users. Source : NGSA Price of natural gas is simply a function of demand and supply. When demand for gas rises,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How does the artwork associated with the band Radiohead challenge Essay

How does the artwork associated with the band Radiohead challenge common ideologies in today's society - Essay Example ther fields, to the existence of propaganda and publicity; further, many sociologists have been able to show -- without specific reference to socio-musical society -- that there is less tendency for the public to become a crowd than to be swallowed up by the mass’. In other words, the music offered to the public can cause severe damages to the social framework of a particular society. At a next level, the above relationship is being used in order to justify the close relationship between music and media particularly in the modern society. From another point of view, the assumption that music can influence the public regarding a particular issue can lead to the hypothesis that media have the power to control the music presenting through them ensuring the protection of the consumers especially of the teenagers from possible severe psychological consequences – although such an result can be differentiated in accordance with the character and the personal thoughts of the pe rson involved. In this way, it has been regarded as justifiable to think that ‘the public and the mass are intermingled, a consequence of mass communication media; these media must not be overlooked in any modern study of music, and have, in fact, led to considerably increased difficulty in the observation of contemporary collective behaviour with regard to music’ (Silbermann, 1963, 192). Current paper examines the relationship between the music and the media regarding a particular band, Radiohead, one of the most known rock bands in the international music industry. More specifically, the issue under examination is the challenge set by Radiohead (by their artwork) towards the common ideologies as they have been recognized and applied in all states around the world. In accordance with the views of Freeden (1996, 87) ideologies are ‘groupings of decontested political concepts; the mutual influence of these concepts is paramountly affected by the specific morphologi cal arrangements that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My Intellectual Development Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My Intellectual Development Up - Essay Example Frankly, my intellectual development up to where I am today would not have been successful without the unreserved guidance and support from my father, a successful businessperson whose relentless passion and dedication for success have always inspired me to achieve and be more like him in future. My own father is my role model and I always look up to him for not only love, guidance, and approval, but for inspiration in life as well, especially because I consider him a significant authority in matters regarding my personal growth and development. In all these years of my growth, from a small boy to the young adult I have become, I owe all gratitude to this amazingly great father, whose kind words of wisdom have catapulted me to where I am today. My father always encourages me to strive to be exceptional because being average alone is not good enough, especially in today’s era of globalization, where opportunities are increasingly becoming scarce by the day. Above all, my father has made it clear that I can always achieve everything I set my eyes upon in life with the right kind of positive attitude, and that nothing can stop me from doing so if I really purpose too. Every day I remember my father’s words that success begins by establishing a positive attitude I feel reinvigorated not just to succeed, but also to succeed exceedingly since nothing can stop me from doing so with the right attitude. Reading this amazing article titled â€Å"Gaining a sense of self-worth† from Deepak Chopra, a spiritual leader who responds to users’ questions with enlightening advice to help them achieve their optimum potential, has  really transformed my sense of self and how I approach life in general (Deepak).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Commedia DelArte Essay Example for Free

Commedia DelArte Essay Columbina is the perky maid of the Old Man, Pantalone. She is better dressed than the male servants as she is also a ladys maid. She usually wears a knee length dress and an apron. The colouring of her clothes can be different in different acts, depending on her relationships with the characters and the scenario. She can be in a similar scheme to Arlecchino (where she is sometimes known as Arlecchina with similar diamonds and triangles), or if she is assigned to a rival family of Arlecchinos, she can be in that scheme. In cases where she is an independent character, she can be in blacks and whites in the spirit of a French Maid. Columbina does not usually wear a mask but sometimes wears one covering only her eyes. Her signature props are a tambourine and a basket. Her physical appearance is attractive, perky and petite with a tiny waist, wide hips and lots of cleavage. She walks as if she is skipping on air with a little flick of the foot at the end of each step. All her posses are usually seductive and accentuate her cleavage. Her movement continues during speaking, shifting balance from one foot to the other and moving her head sharply as if searching for someone other than the person being addressed. Shes fast and nimble in order to escape unwanted attentions or to butt in, and can escape from a situation. She is happy and carefree, yet when assigned a task moves with speed and efficiency. This is one of her strongest traits in being a good servant. Her speech is sharp and gossipy with frequent variations of pitch. She Loves Arlecchino, but sees through him. She therefore scolds him, punishes him, deserts him, takes him back, but in the end he does not change and she has to accept him for what he is, which is still more lovable than Il Dottore, Pantalone and Il Capitano. She can be very affectionate to other characters as well, and her affections seem to flow through her physically, but she always holds something back. As a result she is pestered by other men, especially Il Capitano and Pantalone. She is always ready to help the Lovers, perhaps through natural sympathy with their plight. She is a spectator herself. She has a very strong relationship with the audience, almost confidential in the sense that she too can see what fools the rest of them are. She also often flirts with the spectators. She appears almost if not before her name is called, always being on step ahead of her master and finishes sentences for her master too, which she sometimes uses in her favour. When a situation gets out of control, she becomes the dominant voice to put everyone and everything back in its place. She even beats the male characters in strength and intelligence, sometimes even her master. ISABELLA Isabella is the daughter of Pantalone, the old man. Because of her fathers status she had the newest fashion, and usually showed off her wardrobe, wigs and shoes often. She wore stunning silk dresses, often in antique Renaissance style with necklaces of gold and pearls. She is young and attractive and modest but at times can be selfish. Isabella did not usually wear a mask but did sometimes wear a small mask that covered only her eyes. Her signature props are a handkerchief, book and a fan. She has a lack of firm contact with the earth. Her chest and heart appear heavy. They are full of breath, but then take little pants on top. Her posture is correct and tall and is always very proud. Her walk is small as her steps are little. Isabellas posses are of an innocent and happy nature; leaning to one side with one leg pointed outwards, and hands in praying position touching cheek as if sleeping. Another is the back of her hand on her forehead, tilted back as if in agony as well as her chin resting on hands laying on top of each other or fingers interlocked and the head slightly tilted. Her movements are exaggerated, especially her hands and arms, which are like  feathers flapping in the wind. She often manipulates her hankie and frequently looks in a hand mirror. Any imperfection can spell disaster. Her speech is refined, however lacking pretentiousness and is never lost for the correct phrase. The lovers are in love with themselves being in love. They love each other, but are more preoccupied with being seen as lovers. They often feign mild hatred. She is extremely aware of being watched and plays with the audience for sympathy in their plight and ccasionally flirts with spectators. She is flirtatious, headstrong, has dramatic intensity and feigned madness due to passionate love and can be prudish. She can be hot and cold. i.e. prone to mood swings and is a tease with an independent will. She is vain, petulant, spoilt, full of doubt and have very little patience. She has a masochistic enjoyment of enforced separation because it enables her to dramatize their situation, lament, moan, send messages, etc. When her and Lelio do meet they are almost always tongue-tied and need interpreters who proceed to misinterpret their statements, either through stupidity (Zanni), malicious desire for revenge (Brighella) or calculated self-interest (Columbina). Isabellas attention span is short like a young childs and her fear that she might be a nobody keeps her hyper-animated. ARLECCHINO Arlecchino has an enduring magical power, a testimony perhaps to the mystery of it origin. He is a servant and jester, usually to Pantalone, but also frequently IlCapitano, or Il Dottore. He wears a tight-fitting long jacket and trousers, sewn over with random, odd-shapen patches of green, yellow, red and brown possibly remnants of leaves The jacket is laced down the front with a thong and caught by a black belt worn very low on the hips. The shoes are flat and black. He wears a beret, or later a malleable felt hat with a narrow brim, with a feather or tail of a fox, apparently this was a sign of the wearer being a butt of ridicule. Coloured in deep earth tones with warm coloured diamond shaped patches, Arlecchino is always ready to spring into action in a clumsy yet graceful manner. He is ragged, yet sleek. His wears a mask that gives him a low forehead with a wart and has small round eyes. Arlecchinos signature props included his batocchio, meaning in Italian clapper inside the bell, which he always carries. He is continuously in a lowered position, with his hands on his hips with his thumbs in his belt. He walks in sly and comical way by taking a couple steps followed by a quick tip toe. This walk shows alacrity; he also uses it to show off in front of Columbina. His joints are often loose and floppy. When Arlecchino spots someone, the mask moves first; he then hops round and into the gesture of greeting. He is physically quick and slow mentally, in contrast with Brighella (who can, however, be fast physically when he needs to be). His gestures extend to the fingertips with each digit having a separate articulation. His speech is guttural and hoarse from street hawking and the are no pauses or silences for the sake of effect he either speaks continuously or doesnt speak at all. Arlecchino is in love with Columbina, but his sexual appetite is immediate in terms of any passing woman. He is occasionally aware the audience is there and can make asides during which he gives his full attention to the spectators before returning to complete absorption in the action. His character is a mixture of ignorance, naivete, wit, stupidity and grace. He is both a rake and an overgrown boy with occasional gleams of intelligence, and his mistakes and clumsiness often have wayward charm. His acting is patterned on the lithe, agile grace of a young cat, and he has a superficial coarseness which makes his performances all the more amusing. He plays the role of a faithful valet, always patient, credulous, and greedy. He is enternally amorous, and is constantly in difficulties either on his own or on his masters account. He is hurt and confronted in turn as easily as a child, and his grief is almost as comic as his joy. Lelio Lelio is one of the lovers (Isabellas partner) and is usually the son of Il Dottore or has no relations. He is high in stature, but is usually brought low by the hopelessness of his infatuation. He wears the latest fashion, which at that time was to be dresses as a young soldier or cadet. Sometimes he dressed in an over fashionable colour scheme that was very feminine with a great deal of flair. Lelio is young, attractive, modest, courteous and gallant. He occasionally wears a mask that covers only his eyes but often went unmasked. His signature prop is a handkerchief. His feet have a lack of firm contact with the earth, making his stance and walk air like. His chest and heart appear heavy and full of breath. His legs are usually tightly together, with only one foot firmly planted on the ground, and the other crawling upward like he has to go to the loo. He does not walk as much as tweeter, due to the instability of his base. First the head leans the other way to the body sway. Then the arms have to be used, one above the other, as a counterweight like and off balance tip toe. His pose can be anything that might look Vogue and whenever he is sitting, his legs are crossed in a feminine matter. Lelios movements are well-to-do but ridiculously exaggerated. His movement comes at the point of overbalance, leading to a sideways rush towards a new focus, with his arms left trailing behind. When stopping at the new point (usually the beloved or some token thereof) before almost touching it. The Lovers (he and Isabella) have little or no physical contact. When there is any, the minimum has maximum effect. Lelio is often holding a handkerchief or flower, etc. in his leading hand. His arms never make identical shapes and because of his vanity, he  frequently looks in a hand mirror, only to become upset by any minor imperfection that is discovered. He is always looking to see if a ribbon or sequin is out of place. A button found on the floor or a blemish in the coiffure equals disaster. His speech makes great display of courtly words and baroque metaphors, also knowing large extracts of poems by heart. He speaks softly in musical sentences which are often flamboyant, hyperbolical and full of amorous rhetoric. When it comes to women, his words are the only thing that shows that he might have any interest. His body language, actions, tone, all contradict any infatuation he may have with a female. The only reason why he would express an interest in a female is because he loves the idea of love. However he seems genuinely more in love with himself and other male characters before he is in love with a woman. He relate exclusively to himself he is in love with himself being in love. The last person he actually relates to in the course of the action is often Isabella. When he and she do meet they have great difficulty in communicating with each other (usually because of the nerves). And they relate to their servants only in terms of pleading for help. The Lovers love each other, yet are more preoccupied with being seen as lovers, undergoing all the hardships of being in such a plight, than with actual fulfilment. Consequently they frequently scorn each other and feign mild hatred; they rebut, despair, reconcile, but eventually end up marrying in the way of true love when the game is up and they know they cannot play any more. Lelio is extremely aware of being watched. He plays with the audience for sympathy in their plight and occasionally flirts with spectators. Lelio is indispensable. Without him and his inability to resolve problems with Isabella, there would be no struggle between the ineffectuality of youth and the implacability of age. The lovers are never alone on stage   they always have someone with them or spying on them.

Sample of Cdr Templet Essay Example for Free

Sample of Cdr Templet Essay Objective Seeking a professional position in the field of electrical power engineering utilizing my technical and commercial experience and interpersonal skills, I prefer working in an innovative environment with possibility of further career development. Education University degree: Bachelor of science, Electrical power and machines section, Ain Shams University, June 1999 Overall grade: Good Project grade: Distinction Position: 17th of the successful students totalling (231) Current job since December 2004 Working for XXXXXXXX- DUBAI UAE as a senior projects engineer in the project Management Department, covering Gulf countries (UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain). Where my achievements and accountabilities are: ? Participated in establishment and development of the projects department (consultation business) in Schneider Electric Gulf. Prepared technical and commercial offers for the projects (MV, LV and packages) in different market segments. ? Strongly provided technical and commercial support to Schneider’s sales force in Gulf countries and to our agents to facilitate optimum positioning of Schneider Electric‘s offer in their Markets. ? Developed the technical tender response, in cooperation with the sales team, taking into consideration the customer needs, and managed to optimise the proposals in terms of competitive positioning to the customer which lead to profitability to the company. Followed up the contracts closely on regular basis to ensure registered margin, to meet contractual deadlines and to ensure delivery of correct equipment in accordance to customer’s requirements in time. ? Conducted and developed excel lent relations with the customers. ? February 2004 – November 2004 Working for xxxxxxx (Industrial Solutions and Services ) as a projects engineer , (CLIENT : BECHTEL Houston) in the LNG project ( liquefaction of Natural gas) ,and my accountabilities and achievements were: ? Responsible for all Bechtel’s automation tools (Setroute software and 3D Model) to achieve full co-ordination and compliance with Bechtel’s requirements as well as their reporting systems. ? Succeeded to propose optimal means to reduce equipment (materials and tools) and productivity costs. ? Provided technical support to all departments involved in the construction cycle to achieve customer satisfaction, also handling all customer’s modifications and reporting their relevant cost and delay impacts. Managed to provide solutions (drawings, BOQ, calculation notes, reports) for all electrical systems as electrical raceways, cables, lighting, earthing and switchgears. Experience This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. August 2001 to February 2004 Working for xxxxxx as a senior projects engineer in the project Management Departme nt, in the Industry, oil and gas and export Sectors (Gulf countries and East Mediterranean and south America). Where my achievements and accountabilities are ? ? ? ? ? ? Prepared technical and commercial offers for the projects in the industry, oil and gas market Segment as well as for all export jobs. Provided technical and commercial support to Schneider’s sales offices in Gulf and East Med. and to our agents to facilitate optimum positioning of Schneider Electric Egypt’s offer in their Markets. Prepared strong competing promotional and pre-qualifications files in order to penetrate new markets and to be added to suppliers lists for the huge companies in the oil and gas field in the Gulf. Responsible for achieving the annual sales budget (order intake) for the export accounts. Followed up the contracts closely on regular basis to meet contractual deadlines and to ensure delivery of correct equipment in accordance to customer’s requirements in time. Identified discrepancies between registered and actual margins, rationalized causes, and proposed improvements in the contractual process. Promoted and used standard solutions studied by the technical department to reduce production time and cost ? 12th of September 1999 to 1st of August 2001 Working for xxxxxxx as a design engineer in the design and standardisation Department where my achievements were: ? Designed Medium voltage, low voltage, power factor correction switchgears and Motor control centres (MCCs) ? Contributed to the development of optimal and economical solutions in the offer and order stage of different projects to comply with the requirements of the customer and to the international norms and standards. ? Studied and designed contracts requiring high technical knowledge to produce documents (drawings, bill of materials, calculation notes, studies and manuals) needed for the customer as well as for the manufacturing cycle. Succeeded to propose optimal means to reduce equipment and productivity costs. ? Provided technical support to all departments involved in the industrial cycle to achieve customer satisfaction. ? Managed to provide standard solutions (drawings, BOQ, programs) to be used by the company for future contracts completion. ? Resolved the non-conformities. Technical training Summer 1998 At Landis Staefa (Petrokima): included training on electrical panels m anufacturing Landis Staefa controls, and participated in some running tenders (The Meredian extension project). h th ? 15 of March to 15 of June 2000: Participated in the NRTP training program at Schneider Electric Egypt: Included training in different departments (technical office, Project Management, procurement, Quality control Department, the L. V. M. V. workshops, the sales division). ? ? This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. Software skills Microsoft office including Excel, Word, Access and power point. Haendel (Schneider’s professional drawing program). Worked intensively on professional softwares used in programming Modicon PLCs and Schneider’s microprocessor based digital multifunctional relays (Sepam range) ? ? ? ? Arabic: mother tongue English: fluent French: Fair Spoken Languages Other courses Interpersonal and soft skills as Communication skills, problem solving and decision making, negotiation skills, trainings were given by PSDP European Management Centre, held in 2001 2003. Skills and affiliations References Personal data ? Practicing sports, traveling and reading. ? References are available upon request ? ? ? ? ? Full name: xxxxx xxxxx Date of Birth: xxxxxxxx Nationality: xxxxxxxxx Marital status: Single Military Service: exempted This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. Career Episode -1 Duration : Name of employer: Designation: From October 1999 to July 2001 xxxxxx , EGYPT Electrical Design Engineer/ Project Engineer INTRODUCTION xxxxxx Egypt. s one of the best-known multinational companies and a market leader in the field of electrical equipment. The core business undertaken by the company are Electrical Engineering projects, including manufacturing, supplying, installation, commissioning and testing of electrical equipment, low voltage and medium voltage equipment, as well as control systems. 1. 1 I had the opportunity to join xxxxxx right after my graduation a s an Electrical Engineer. I had already completed the 5year full-time course in Bachelor of Electrical Engineering in Ain Shams University. The first year of the course included some papers in Mathematics, and also provided a basic knowledge of physical sciences underpinning Engineering, mechanics, and chemistry. It also provided an overview of other disciplined of Engineering. The later years concentrated more particularly on the various aspects of Electrical Engineering. Of special interest to were some papers on Electrical Machines (I and II). Included in this was the design of various Electrical machines such as Motors, Generators etc. We had to design the shaft and rotor, calculate Input and Output values, losses, and so on for the machinery. I joined xxxxxx in 1999, which is one of the market leaders in electrical switchgear manufacturing. Initially I participated in a three month training called NRTP (New Recruits’ Training Program) during which I worked with different departments (sales, project management, design office, logistics, the workshop, and the site services) to have an indepth understanding of the nature of the work undertaken by the company. On the completion of my training period, I started my responsibilities as an Electrical Design Engineer and joined the company as a permanent employee. . 2 My main responsibilities were to design, issue bill of materials and drawings for low voltage and medium voltage switchgears as well as motor control centers (MCCs), and power factor correction for projects in all market segments. 1. 3 I will detail below one of the particular tasks I was in charge of as a design engineer. It was to standardize the use of electronic motor starters (soft starters) instead of co nventional star delta starter as a starting method for squirrel cage induction motors. 1. General information regarding the project: In general, the commonly used methods of motor starting are the following: direct on line starting, star delta starting, autotransformer starters. These are the conventional methods of motor starting which depend on contactors, bi-metallic thermal overload relays†¦etc. However, electronic starters, known as ‘soft starters’, with variable speed drives using power electronics technology are rapidly replacing the old conventional starters due to various advantages to the user as well as the ease in installation. The Objective of the project were: This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. ? ? ? ? Promote the soft starter product of xxxx – (Brand name is Telemecanique). Cost reduction of motor starters of small ratings up to 15 KW. Price reduction of the MCC panels (motor control centers) which are composed of these starters. Standardize the schematic/control drawings and bill of materials to reduce time and cost of design. 1. In addition to the three months training, I had another 3 days technical specialized training on soft starters conducted by the Product manager, I also carried out an in-depth study of all the relevant catalogues and technical documents. I was well prepared to take on the full responsibility for the assigned project. My job mainly involved the following: ? Prepare standard detailed material list (BOQ) for every standard motor r ating to include all the required components with their proper quantities and part Numbers (such as the Circuit breaker, soft starter, terminal blocks, selector switch and auxiliary control relays†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦etc). Design the schematic (control circuit) where I followed the concept of value engineering which involves providing necessary functions at lowest cost, and the identification and elimination of unnecessary costs. and I prepared the complete drawing for each motor rating. Calculate the cost saving in each motor rating by comparing the prices of the conventional starter components with the electronic motor starter components. Calculate the accurate space required for each motor starter in the panel for both cases (conventional and electronic). ? ? 1. 6 In 3 weeks time the initial study was complete, and I had the complete file ready including all the Bill of quantities and drawings to be used by all the designers in their different projects. 1. 7 As shown by the study, we achieved 13% cost saving as a result of using these starters, however we had two more challenges ahead, first to increase awareness of the consultants and end-users regarding the advantages of using the electronic start ers, and secondly to further increase the cost saving by 2 or 3 % more. . 8 I started collecting data from the marketing department regarding the approximate quantities of starters required annually, market price and details of main competitors. Based on these data, I started negotiation with our soft starter supplier in France trying to get the best transfer prices. 1. 9 In few months time I was able to get our first order for MCCs including soft starters, after several technical/commercial discussions with the consultant. It was for a pharmaceutical Co. During the execution of the job, I was responsible for following up the process in the workshop to ensure we are meeting the project requirements and IEC international standards. I instructed the technicians regarding all the required precautions and installation recommendations before they started the assembly. Assembly is carried out as per the following steps: This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. ) The switchgear enclosure assembly b) Installing the main horizontal bus bars c) Then the vertical bus bars. d) Fixing the metal sheet mounting plates. e) Fixing the functional units circuit breakers. f) Fixing the motor starters (soft starters). After the switchgear manufacturing was finished, I followed up the final quality control. I had to ensure compliance to the standards and specifications by: ? ? ? ? ? Visual inspection of the switchgear Checking the compliance with the shop drawings. Mechanical checking. Checking the wiring. Testing the sequence of operation (control circuits). I also attended the customer inspection in our factory. 1. 10 As the second phase of the project, I started coordinating with the logistics department to create all the data of the components on their system, including the part numbers, full technical description, transfer prices, and also to forecast annual consumption so that we can build effective stock, as per the forecasted requirements. 1. 11 I always ensure that the technical specifications were met and the technical data sheets were well prepared. By this technique cost over-runs can be eliminated and the smooth progress of work can be ensured. 1. 12 As the number of orders with soft starters started to increase, it became necessary to provide training to all the designers. I conducted technical training sessions for the staff of the design office. As a result, the technical competency within our design team increased, and they became totally autonomous. 1. 13 We were able to achieve a high competency level internally in terms of designing, costing and logistics. I also provided technical support to the product manager and the sales force in the early bidding stages of the projects. Our team work was highly successful. Working on such a project was beneficial for me as I learnt a lot in terms of dealing with other departments, consultants and various major clients. I was able to overcome numerous problems arising on site. Solving the problems gave a boost to my managerial and technical skills in all aspects of designing, planning and execution of large projects. Working with this organisation This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. was an extremely rich experience for my career , I was able to understand Electrical Engineering in depth, and to apply what I had learnt in the work environment. Career Episode 2 Supply and commissioning of Electrical Engineering package for Gas production plant Name of employer: Duration: Designation: xxxxxxx, EGYPT FROM AUGUST 2001 TILL FEB 2004 Senior Project Engineer (Electrical) INTRODUCTION After working for almost two years in the design office in xxxx, I was selected to join the Project Management/ Operations Department in the designation of Senior Project Engineer. By this promotion , I was moving up in my career in Schneider Electric. The qualifications required for joining the Project Management Department included a minimum of 2 years of technical experience, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills since the nature of the job requires full interaction and coordination with all the internal departments, suppliers, clients and consultants. I joined the Project Management Department in August 2001, working mainly in the oil and gas, and export sectors. 2. 1 As described above it is a technical-commercial position. Since I already had good technical experience, I only had to enhance and strengthen my commercial / managerial capabilities. I was trained for one month on the different quotation tools, and financial aspects such as Letter of Credit, bank guarantees, logistics and incoterms. I also underwent some training courses to improve communication skills, negotiation skills, time management and problem solving capability. . 2 After one month’s training, I was quite ready and capable to take on my new challenge as a Project manager in the oil and gas market segment as well as for the export projects. In fact, the oil and gas sector is the most critical among all other market segments, since the oil and gas clients are all major international EPCs (Engineering, procurement and construction) including Bechtel, KBR, Technip. The nature of the oil and gas projects are of high technical specifications with strong safety and reliability requirements. 2. xxxxxx was invited for bidding in a major project for the supply of the complete electrical package. It was a targeted project for Schneider Electric, and we were very much interested in getting this prestigious project. 2. 4 I was appointed to handle this project in the tendering stage, and also in the order stage( in case of the project being awarded to our organization). This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. 2. General information on the project: The project was called Scarab Saffron development project for gas production, it was located in Idco – Alexandria – Egypt. The client was a consortium between ENPPI and Bechtel UK. The scope of the electrical package included supply, testing and co mmissioning of 3. 3KV Medium voltage switchgear, power transformers, Low voltage main distribution switchgears 4000A, LV MCCs (motor control centres), DC system (batteries and battery chargers), Bus duct, UPS and SCADA system (electrical distribution supervisory system), relay co-ordination and short circuit calculation studies. . 6 My main responsibility was divided into two main phases 1. Tendering phase: ? Study in depth the enquiry documents (technical and commercial). ? Finalize any clarifications on the tender documents with customer ? Prepare complete technical and commercial offer 2. Project Execution: ? Final negotiation of order commercial conditions. ? Contract review and acknowledgment ? Following up the project execution to meet the contractual obligations. ? Ensure achieving the registered gross margin and profitability for the company. Ensure high quality service for the customer and meeting the whole project schedule (the whole gas plant) and coordinating with differ ent suppliers in the project and with mechanical scope of the project. 2. 7 The main problem I was facing was that to remain competitive and win the contact for the project, and at the same time to fully comply with the specifications, keeping high quality in terms of reliability and safety (which can by no means be compromised in oil and gas industry). My only solution was the value engineering, exploring different alternatives to achieve required functions through the most cost effective ways. I started studying tender documents in details and clarified any vague points. Part of the ‘scope of work’ can be manufactured in our factory, and some equipment had to be sourced from different suppliers. I sent the request for quotations to the different suppliers, I evaluated their offers in co-ordination with our design engineers, held meetings with the suppliers to discuss their proposals and to try to optimize their offers. 2. I collected all the information on previous (similar) tenders, particularly regarding the prices of other competitors, and the main technical requirements. 2. 9 As a result, I was in a better position to set target prices for suppliers. 2. 10 Finally in 6 weeks time, and before the bidding closing date I was able, with the coordination of the design office and the sales department, to integrate a com petitive compliant technical and commercial offer for the complete electrical package. It was then reviewed and accepted by the top management prior to submitting the proposal. 2. 1 Proposals for all bidders went through technical evaluation by the client, and after three rounds of technical clarifications which took almost 2 months time, we were short listed as a technically successful bidder. 2. 12 During the technical evaluation rounds, we used one strong technical advantage in our offer which led to better positioning of our offer. This was the use of low voltage motor starters with coordination type 2. This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. As per IEC standards, motor starters are classified into co-ordination type 1 and 2, They both protect people and property, however in co-ordination type 1 starter , when an electrical fault occurs due to a short circuit, the starter components have to be checked, and the circuit breaker or the contactors due to contacts welding has to be changed. In this case highly qualified maintenance staff are required. This also disrupts the continuity of service, which is very crucial in oil and gas industry, as time is needed to replace the defected components and put the starter into service again. While in co-ordination type 2, after an electrical fault occurs, the starter can be put into service again without changing any components, only slight welding of contacts might be required. Inmost cases, the fault can be easily cleared by switching on and off the contactor few times. The basic idea behind co-ordination type 2 starters is selecting an oversized contactor, and the combination of starter components (circuit breaker, contactor and overload relay) are all tested together in the manufacturer’s laboratories. So this type of coordination ensures continuity of service and does not require highly qualified technicians at site. We were offering motor starters of co-ordination type 2 to comply with the project requirements, and this was a great advantage which was not offered by all manufacturers. Then the commercial proposal was evaluated Schneider Electric Egypt was awarded this contract which was the biggest in 2003, and our combined efforts were greatly appreciated by the top management. The second bidder was 4% higher in price and the overall proposed delivery time was one month more . 2. 3 At this time I had to start the second phase which is the execution of the project. I started started by finalizing and acknowledging the purchase order. Kick-off meetings were held to start the process and I worked on getting the full technical documents and drawings approved. 2. 14 I conducted a site survey with our site services engineers so that to ensure proper coordination with the overall plant system such as civil works, mechanical works, and the environmental conditions of the plant, so we better understood the process of the plant, and were fully aware of the overall system. I also checked the overall plant completion schedule, so as to prioritize our deliveries to be in-line with the overall schedule requirements. 2. 15 During the course of the project execution, the client came up with some changes and modifications in the loads (motor ratings), which had some price and delivery impacts. I had a series of meetings with the client, and the rates and technical requirements for the variations were mutually agreed upon. 2. 16 One of technical difficulties we faced was that the client changed the electrical equipment arrangement in the electrical room. As a result the space reserved for the low voltage switchboard became insufficient, and at that time we were already in the final stage of manufacturing. The designed and approved length of the low voltage switchboard was 9900 mm, however after the change in arrangement of equipment , the available space was only 4800 mm , and the civil works and the openings in the concrete slabs had been done accordingly as per the initial design. Being in late stage of the project execution made the situation even worse. I has discussions with the client to sort out this issue. Then I had to study different solutions to comply with the available space. I had to re-design the switchboard, trying out different layouts and re-arranging the electrical component layout within the switchboard. I was also trying my best to keep the components which were already installed unchanged so as to minimize further work involved and the time required for modification. This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. om – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. After 4 days of detailed study, I proposed to the customer a new layout, which was â€Å"U† shape. Also I had to change the switchboard to be of the rear connection type (cables to be connected from the rear of the panel) as this also helped in removing some of the cable ducts and hence reduce the overall width. The switchboard being a â€Å"U† shape requires 2 additional cubicles (corners) which required special design as the bus bar rating was high, 4000A. Finally, this proposal was approved by the customer, however the only remaining problem was that the time required to manufacture these 2 additional cubicles (corners) was 2 months, while delivery of the switchboard was supposed to be in 5 weeks time. So we proposed that we would deliver the switchboard partially, meaning that all the columns/cubicles will be delivered as a first batch to allow the contractor to start fixing the panels and to start cable termination, while the 2 additional corners will be supplied as a second batch. I also agreed to send our services engineer to ensure proper integration and installation of the complete switchboard at site. Also the contractor had to modify the civil works as per our recommendations. 2. 17 I attended all the witnessed FAT (factory acceptance tests), only minor modifications were required, some of these were rectified in the factory, and some others were cleared at site after delivery. 2. 18 I supervised the site activities which included the commissioning, testing and start- up of all the supplied equipment as well as testing the interface with the over-all site control system. . 18 Working on such a project for almost one and half year throughout the project life cycle has enhanced both my engineering and management skills to a great extent. It has provided me with varied experience in all aspects of project management. This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for thos e looking to make the move down under. Career Episode -3 Establishing Projects management Department in the GULF region Period : Since 26th December 2004 till present Name of employer: xxxxxxx – DUBAI Designation : Senior Project Engineer (Electrical) INTRODUCTION 3. 1 xxxxxxxx is one of the major entities of the corporate organisation, keeping xxxxxx as the market leader for Low voltage and medium voltage products in the Gulf. It is also considered as one of the fastest growing subsidiaries of Schneider Electric world-wide in terms of revenue and profitability. In line with the fast growing economy and business in the gulf region, especially Dubai and Qatar, the management decided to cope with this dynamic market by bringing expertise from different Schneider entities to build a projects consultation centre (Projects Management Team). I consider it as my greatest career opportunity to be the first to join this newly created department , and play a role in establishing this type of projects business in the region, utilizing my six years of experience in Schneider Egypt. 3. I started my new position on 26th December 2005 as a Senior Projects Engineer in the projects Department which we called ‘Local Consultation Centre. 3. 3 The project management department is responsible for: ? ? ? ? Study of tenders in depth (technically and commercially). Promote Schneider’s standard solutions and packages and better position schneider’s offer in the market. Prepare technical and commercial offers for projects electrical package. Proje cts execution and follow up ensuring delivery of correct equipment on time and meeting all contractual terms. Ensure achieving the registration margins, profitability for the company. This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. In addition to the above, my responsibilities included setting up the system in terms of forms, documentation, process, interface with other departments, suppliers and customers, as well as building a central database for all Gulf projects. 3. 4 In a very short time, (three months time) we were successful to win our first big project . Project Information †¢ †¢ †¢ a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Project : Al Ain Air College – District cooling plant. Customer : SNC-Lavalin Tabreed Scope of Schneider: Supply, testing, commissioning and start-up of the electrical equipment package comprising: 11KV Metal clad switchgear, with SF6 circuit breaker, 1250A, 25KA/3sec, IP41. 3. 3KV Metal clad switchgear with SF6 CB, 2500A, 25KA /3sec, IP41. Cast resin Power transformers 11KV/3. 3KV, 7MVA Cast resin Distribution transformers 11KV/0. 4KV, 2. 8MVA 3. 3KV Soft starters for chillers. LV/LV isolating transformers. Relay co-ordination study. 3. 5 At the beginning of the project I conducted 3 kick-off meetings with the client to figure out the real needs of the whole district cooling plant project as an over-all system, so that we provide the appropriate scheme and control system, in terms of power demand , ensuring proper sizing of all equipment including current transformers, circuit breakers and bus bars. We also had to prepare the completion schedule, ensuring we are in line with the overall system progress. We also confirmed the environmental data of the site which is located in Al-Ain in UAE, to make sure we are providing the appropriate equipment degree of protection IP, to provide anti-condensate heaters for humid conditions, to apply adequate de-ration factors for bus bars and circuit breakers in case of high ambient conditions (which is the case in this part of the world). 3. 6 The real difficulty, risk and challenge I was facing was our limited capabilities in terms of resources, tools and effective set- up since we were in the beginning stages of operation. I had only two engineers and a draftsman at that time, and we had to do the engineering drawings, BOQ, calculation notes and all technical documentation submittals; project contractual follow up, handling modifications by advising technical feasibility and their relevant commercial impacts on price and the delays involved. We also had to look into logistics issues such as following up with suppliers (in France and USA) and the forwarder. We also followed up financial aspects as invoicing, receivables and monitoring our margins. 3. The project execution period was approximately ten months, during this period the management was strongly supporting us to overcome any obstacles, and a real team work was taking place to secure the contract. I was very closely following with our suppliers in France, guiding them especially in the technical issues and ensuring that they meet the contractual dates. 3. 8 Our project scope was mainly divided into two major phases: a) Supply of the equipments t o the site. b) Site activities (supervision on installation, commissioning and start up). This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. om – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. After completion of the first phase, we started preparations in advance for the second phase by mobilization at project site, arranging for the tools and equipment necessary for testing. One of the main activities during commissioning is the setting of all the protective relays according to the relay coordination study that are prepared. I had to overcome a critical problem in this stage, which was the lack of upstream electrical network data and difficulty of achieving selectivity. The purpose of the relay co-ordination study is to achieve selectivity (discrimination) between different levels of the network, to ensure continuity of service and reliability. In other words, it is to set the protection relays with fault values and time values in such a way as to ensure that in case of any electrical fault , the closest circuit breaker feeding the fault will trip not the main upstream breaker, thus we can isolate the faulty section without interfering with other loads in the network. We needed the settings and type of curve of the existing upstream relay so that we can carry out the coordination study, but the client and AADC (AL Ain distribution company), confirmed that these data and documents are not available and that the upstream relay is an old fashion electro-mechanical relay supplied more than 20 years ago. I checked the upstream existing switchgear at site to get the exact type and model of the relay as well as the settings, and later with very much difficulty I found the curve characteristics on the internet. Then came the main problem, when it was found out that according to the information of the upstream relay it was impossible to achieve co-ordination since the upstream over current and time settings were very low. Initially we requested AADC to check the possibility of changing the upstream settings to the required settings. However, after they checked the complete upstream network they came back to us confirming that it is not possible to make any changes. It was a serious problem especially since the project start-up date was planned to be within a months’ time. It was quite obvious that the current or time selectivity cannot be achieved, so I was looking for an alternative solution, and after few days of checking the detailed technical manuals and catalogues of our microprocessor protective multifunction relays Sepam ( Merlin Gerin type), and the schematic drawings, I found that we can achieve logic discrimination between our provided 11Kv and 3. 3KV switchgears, since this feature is available in our provided relays. When a downstream relay senses a fault it will give a blocking digital input signal to the upstream relay to delay its tripping for an adjustable time, which is sufficient to let the downstream relay trip and isolate the fault. This solution was an alternative solution to the normal (commonly used) time and current discrimination. 3. 9 All site work was carried out in full co-ordination with different suppliers , such as chiller suppliers and generator suppliers, and the plant was successfully energized. 3. 10 Finally the project was completed and handed over to the client. The realized margin was in line with our targeted margin at the beginning of the project. Commissioning reports were also prepared and analysed for possible ways of improvement. It is also submitted to the Management for their reference, review and comments about improvement opportunities, if any. 3. 11 This project success was the main trigger and motivation for the company to decide increasing the resources and capabilities immediately to cope with the unbelievable fast moving business cycle in UAE. It was also decided to increase the scope of our activity to include supplying EMCS (energy management and control system) in 2006. This Free CDR Template is brought to your courtesy of gettingdownunder. com – Free Australian Immigration advice and resources for those looking to make the move down under. 3. 12 Working on this project was of great importance for me, since I had the chance to go through the whole cycle, preparing the quotation, negotiating the offer, awarding of contract, and execution of work at project site. During my career, I always ensure that my work is professional and ethical. 3. 13 In addition to this project, we also managed to win few more projects. Our internal set-up is now organized. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Trainings: Summer 1998 At Landis Staefa (Petrokima): included training on electrical panels manufacturing Landis Staefa controls, and participated in some running tenders (The Meredian extension project). 15th of March to 15th of June 2000: Participated in the NRTP training program at Schneider Electric Egypt: Included training in different departments (technical office, Project Management, procurement, Quality control Department, the L. V. M. V. workshops, the sales division). Courses undergone: Microsoft office including Excel, Word, Access and power point.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Successes And Failures Of Un Control Of Human Rights Violations International Law Essay

Successes And Failures Of Un Control Of Human Rights Violations International Law Essay 1. United Nations signed Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948 for protection of human rights and maintenance of world peace. Regrettably, the record on this front has not been encouraging. Although UN has been successful in avoiding third World War in the past six decades but the painful reality, however, is that wars, some international and several internal, have taken place and produced casualties estimated to have exceeded those of World War II. Failures of UN 2. The performance United Nations in Somalia was fitful. Its absolute failure in maintaining even some impression of peace in Bosnia is a serious and ineradicable blemish on its image and has sternly damaged its credibility. To the victims of the Bosnian conflict, be they Muslims, Croats or Serbs, the UN has become a malicious joke, a dirty word. Feeble impotence of UN forces to counter substantial and atrocious violations of basic human rights had deeply shaken the faith of the international community in the world organization.  [1]   3. Since its inception UN has shown failure around the world except in the case of Kuwait, the UN has been incapable to take valuable and absolute measures to implement peace. Under the influence of this incapability, the organization has in practice employed other means to preserve international peace, tranquility and security. UN peace keeping missions around the world especially concentrated in African contentment are directed towards this effort. 4. The UN does not enjoy an exceptional record, in these missions especially after its failures in Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda. The problems persistent to the UN Peacekeepers are:- (a) The fundamental disagreement over the allocation of authority among the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Secretary General. (b) The absence of any clear and coherent policy. (c) Widely different perceptions about what constitutes threat to peace. (d) The Security Council is essentially a political body and its decisions have largely been swayed by political considerations in many cases. (e) There have been reservations and concerns that the integrity of the Charter may be impaired by political tendencies. (f) Over dominance of the five Permanent members of the Security Council due to the veto power that they enjoy. 5. There numerous instruments existing for the protection of human rights as mentioned in Chapter I and UN Charter has clearly laid down the Human Rights which all human beings universally enjoy as seen in Chapter III. It is extremely surprising that despite all those lofty resolutions and conferences, the violation of human rights is so common and frequent. (a) Central American Region. Violation of human rights in this part of the world remains more or less in intransience. In Guatemala and El- Salvador, the torture and kidnappings were quite regular. In these Central American countries such violations denied many of their basic liberties through imprisonment, mistreatment of prisoners and denial of due legal procedures. In Nicaragua a state of emergency overruling all accepted rights was imposed and the UNO hardly took any notice of these violations. In Honduras and Panama thousands remain cramped in jails for no serious charges (for protests against Human Rights violations in 1987). The UN then too has remained unmoved. (b) Tibet. In the this land of Lamas, wherein a struggle for independence is continuing for decades together, the citizens of the nation are being suppressed by military rule of martial law. The denial of basic human rights is predominantly visible, but it created no ripples in the corridors of the UNO. The opposition by the Tibetans at the time of Olympics in China was well highlighted by international media however not adequate attention was paid to their cause and protest. (c) Arab and the Middle East Region. In the Middle East countries, mainly in Iran and Saudi Arabia, the situation remained quite ghastly for decades now. In the name of Religion and Allah, citizens have been denied free trial and investigation, many were put to axe on mere religious Fatwas. The UNO remained a quite spectator to all these misdeeds in the name of religion. The international law and basic rights as promulgated have been denied in the name of local religious law and crime and atrocities have been created publically but neither UN nor any human rights organizations have been effective in providing respite to the citizens from these dreadful crimes. (d) Afpak Region. The bare violation of Human Rights by the Taliban and other militant organization in the region continue with their dictatorial style of religious fundamentalism with no intervention by the UN visible on the horizon. US forces are operating in the region but they are not been able to provide much relief to the citizens of Afghanistan.  [2]  In spite of presence US and NATO forces in the region violation in the Pakistan itself have not been influenced by the presence of these forces and the media coverage provided to them. FATA and NWFP region of these two nations is the human centre of terrorist dictatorship and need urgent UN attention. (e) African Continent. Rwanda is set to succeed in its proffer to be part of commonwealth despite serious record of violation of human rights. In spite of such a high rate of violation by the nations and violent opposition by NGOs that the entry into the club would encourage Kigali to raise level of violation and it will become difficult to take any action as in case of Fiji.  [3]  Democratic Republic of Congo in which freedom of speech, the press and human rights are undermined or violently abused, in which courts fail to meet international standards and country which has invaded its neighbors four times since 1994 the killings by Tutsis and retaliatory killings of Hutus.  [4]  Although government in Darfur has increased deployment of police and security personnel against gender based bias and sentenced several security personnel for rape the human right situation in Darfur is still grim, the town of Tawilla is completely deserted after police attack.  [5]   (f) Human Rights Violation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The convolution of the ethnic problem and ethnic hatred has been the origin of the human carnage which has resulted in an unparalleled toll of human lives. Campaigns launched for ethnic cleansing devastated this Balkan republic. European community and US largely perceived that the Serbs were responsible for the massacre of the Muslims. International community has failed to evaluation the civil war sit in Bosnia dispassionately and blamed the Serbs. In fact, the failure of UN to bring about a resolution in the discord between various groups in the state has also been one of the major reasons for such a large scale violation of human rights. (g) Oil for Food Scandal. The program was part of a inclusive set of UN- mandated sanctions intended to prevent Hussein from reconstituting a menace to his neighbors. The program allowed approximately $7 billion per year of Iraqi oil revenues to be used to procure food and medicine for the Iraqi people. It was endeavourer of UN forces that money was utilized for same but not to purchase weapons or WMD- related technology for the Hussein regime. The UN sanctions regime against Iraq, including the Oil for Food program is worth close scrutiny not because it was a scandal, although scandal there was, but because taken as a whole, it is the most successful use of international sanctions on record.  [6]  Documenting the why and wherefores of that success is as important as correcting the shortfalls that allowed a rogue regime, in connivance with unscrupulous international businessmen, to siphon funds from UN- administered Iraqi accounts.  [7]   (j) People Died of Starvation in Somalia. Despite the large presence of a troops of a UN security force and a faction of ceasefire observers, around Somalia the ceasefire was overlooked and in its place fighting continued with increasing brutality. The relief operations were at great risk. During the final quarter of 1992, factions in Somalia split into more and smaller factions, many of those even formally disobeyed the UN Security Council which made the situation even harder to control. No heed was paid to hundreds of poverty stricken refugees who were dying of starvation every day.   This mission in Somalia failed to control difficult situations which involve numerous parties. Given UNs limited military strength and the impossibility to get the different warlords of Somalia to negotiate peacefully, UN attempts to maintain peace and security like that of the operation in Somalia was bound to fail.  [8]   (h) Resolutions 1235 and 1503 and Its Effectiveness. When Resolution 1503 was adopted by UN, it was seen as a step further than Resolution 1235 in the development of shielding machinery. This insight probably arose from the fact that while initiatives under 1235 lie completely in the hands of the member states. Resolution 1503 gave the power to individuals and NGOs. (i) The Greece case. A detailed and well documented complaint against the government (1967-74) was lodged by NGO of the state but it was tossed back and forth by the working group concerned for two years. The complaint was finally dropped when the Greek military command released a large number of detainees (without changing the illogical system of detention and torture).  [9]   (ii) The Uganda Case. Idi Amins of Uganda case was another case to surpass through the muddle established by 1503. Information and complaints concerning the administration did arrive at the commission in 1974 and again in 1976/77. Not until 1978, on the eve of Amins flight following the defeat by the Tanzanian Army, aided by Ugandan insurgents, did the Commission take any action at all. That action implied the form of a request to the Secretary General to appoint a special envoy to Uganda under the confidential procedure. The procedure laid down under resolution, once the subject of great hope, has purely not lived up to the expectations. It often served as screen behind which gross violators who could take shelter behind it. If the objective was to obtain prompt publicity or public action for serious human rights violations, the 1503 procedure is inappropriate.  [10]   6. Delayed Action by the UN. The UN mission was designed as the mechanism to form rules of relationship between the members of international society. Since the end of World War II, there had been hardly any wars between states, but there were as many as 110 local conflicts between states.  [11]  The military forces of 71 governments participated in these conflicts, and 135 supporter group and non-governmental forces were engaged.  [12]  The consequences were appalling: thousands of innocent civilians have been killed in these conflicts. Over the years there has been upward trend in internal rather than interstate conflict. The UN is mostly without initiatives except to acknowledge to the invitation of warring parties, or in certain extreme cases when it intervenes to prevent abuse of human rights. The UN usually has been silent observer to the situation with a certain detachment until it reached a critical point, and intervenes only after the situation has gone out of hand. B y the time an intervention is affected, the parties have already intensified their mutual detest and preventable damage is caused. Successes of UN 7. The UN has been unprejudiced and successful setting values for setting roles, selectively successful in monitoring abuses; and almost frail in enforcement. Governments usually subordinate considerations of UN effectiveness to the principle of non-interference. However, the modesty of the achievements of the UN should not blind us to its reality. The Universal Declaration embodies the moral code, political consensus and legal synthesis of human rights. The world has grown more complex in the sixty years since. The simplicity of language belies the passion of conviction underlying them. Activists and NGOs use the Declaration as the concrete point of reference against which to judge state actions. The Covenants require the submission of periodical reports by signatory countries, and so entail the creation of national infrastructures for the protection and promotion of human rights. It might be probably difficult to measure the successes of the UNO objectively. However it would be wor thwhile to have an overview of the various achievements attributed to it over the years in the field of human rights. 8. Democracy Promotion. UN investigated individual complaints of human rights abuse, the UN Human Rights Commission always focused world attention on cases of arbitrary detention, torture, disappearance, and has generated international pressure to be bring down pressure on governments to improve their human rights records. The United Nations has enabled people in many countries to participate in free and fair elections, including those held in Cambodia, Namibia, El Salvador, Eritrea, Mozambique, Nicaragua and South Africa. It has provided electoral advice, assistance, and monitoring of results.  [13]   9. Promotion of Independence Self Reliance. The United Nations has played a pivotal role in independence of countries that are now among its Member States. Independence of nation and its countrymen as is agreed worldwide is a fundamental human right. 10. Maintaining Tranquility and Peace. Deployment peace-keeping forces and observer missions, the United Nations has been able to restore calm to allow the negotiation process to go forward while saving millions of people from becoming casualties in the conflicts. There are presently 16 active peace-keeping forces in operation. 11. Ending Apartheid. United Nation played a important role by imposing measures like an arms prohibition segregation in sporting events, which played a major role in bringing about the downfall of the apartheid in South Africa. General Assembly called it a crime against humanity. UN conducted elections in April 1994 in which all South Africans were allowed to participate on an equal basis, followed by the institution of a majority government. 12. Humanitarian aid to victims of conflict. UN has provided aid to more than 50 million refugees who are victim of war, famine or persecution the UN High Commissioner for Refugees since 1951 in an abiding effort harmonized by the United Nations that often involves other agencies. UN was the first to reach for the assistance of victims of war between Sri Lankan military forces and LTTE. It provided aid in terms of food, medical and other humanitarian assistance. UN provided aid worth $ 37.5 million to the Tamil victims and pressurized the government for early resolution of conflict. UN provided aid worth $ 460 million to the victims of flood in Pakistan.  [14]   13. Assistance in Promotion of Women Rights. United Nations has been working for a long time to progress the lives of women and to empower women. Several conferences during the UN-sponsored International Womens Decade set an schema for the improvement of women and womens rights across the globe. The UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) have sponsored programs and projects to improve the quality of life for women in more than 100 countries. They include education, credit and training UN provided access to new food-production technologies and marketing opportunities, and other means of promoting womens work. End Notes

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Origins for the Treatment for Tuberculosis Essay -- Biology Medical Bi

Origins for the Treatment for Tuberculosis Abstract Tuberculosis, also known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a deadly bacterium that invades the respiratory system. This bacterium spreads rapidly from person to person by a simple cough or sneeze. Treatment for tuberculosis has changed over the years. In the beginning the most common form of treatment was the sanatorium, where patients infected with Tuberculosis were kept in an isolated environment. Now a days the treatment is straightforward and the patient is put on two standard antibiotics, isoniazid and rifampicin. These drugs are very effective at fighting tuberculosis, but recently a new strand has been developed, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. This paper outlines the various treatments for tuberculosis from the beginning of the 16th century to the present and the changes that have occurred in the bacteria. Tuberculosis, often called TB, has been recognized as a dangerous illness for quite sometime. Although its incidence has greatly declined during most of the last century, there has been a significant increase over the last twenty years. The recent incidence rate has been relatively high among the homeless in inner city areas and among those infected with the AIDS virus. TB also remains a severe health issue for infants and the elderly. While the disease continues to be a source of concern among the more populated and less hygienic areas in Asia, it is also prevalent in certain areas of this country where it has been linked with the arrival of refugees from Asia and Central America. Tuberculosis is primarily a bacterial infection of the respiratory system. If bacteria, viruses, or fungi enter the lungs and become established there, they could cause several dise... ...he benefits that medical technology has brought to society over centuries as well as an awareness that the fight against bacteria is by no means over. The recognition that there are several forms of drug-resistant bacteria today should propel future generations to rededicate efforts to eradicate them. Further research and observations should be made in order to help suppress deadly strands of tuberculosis. TB Treatment 6 References: Carlomagno, Cathy. (April 2005). 100 years of Progress in Tuberculosis Treatment. Davies, Peter. March 1999. Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis "" Larson, David. (1996). Mayo Clinic Family Health Book. New York: William Morrow & Company. Padilla, M. (2005). Tuberculosis. Encarta. 7-27-05:

Friday, July 19, 2019

Planet Of The Apes Satire Essay -- essays research papers

The setting of the movie compared to the setting in the book makes Planet of the Apes one of the greatest satires. In the movie, the setting takes place on earth in the future where apes deny and are afraid of the past, whereas the setting in the book is on a different planet where apes are civilized and technologically advanced, and the humans were primitive creatures. The orangutans in the movie prevent what happened to the humans from happening to the apes. Orangutans, such as Zaius went to great work as destroying the cave where the evidence of the humans reigned is revealed and removing Landen’s memory. In the book civilization of humans on Earth is equal to and may even surpass the civilization of the apes on Sorror. The point of view in the book is through Ulysees’ mind. He is clam and patient. Taylor in the movie is an impatient angry man who is never satisfied and is outraged by the fact that apes are running the planet and have locked him up. In the movie Tayl or is a misanthrope who is hot-tempered and not respectful to the apes. He calls them "Bloody Baboons!" Taylor left Earth to find a better place and ended up where he started. In the book, Ulysee is kind and respectful towards the apes, and he was granted citizenship to their civilization and begins to assign apes human features. Ulysee was granted citizenship because of the speech he made before them. He gave that speech with respect and loyalty towards the apes for acceptance. The tones in the boo... Planet Of The Apes Satire Essay -- essays research papers The setting of the movie compared to the setting in the book makes Planet of the Apes one of the greatest satires. In the movie, the setting takes place on earth in the future where apes deny and are afraid of the past, whereas the setting in the book is on a different planet where apes are civilized and technologically advanced, and the humans were primitive creatures. The orangutans in the movie prevent what happened to the humans from happening to the apes. Orangutans, such as Zaius went to great work as destroying the cave where the evidence of the humans reigned is revealed and removing Landen’s memory. In the book civilization of humans on Earth is equal to and may even surpass the civilization of the apes on Sorror. The point of view in the book is through Ulysees’ mind. He is clam and patient. Taylor in the movie is an impatient angry man who is never satisfied and is outraged by the fact that apes are running the planet and have locked him up. In the movie Tayl or is a misanthrope who is hot-tempered and not respectful to the apes. He calls them "Bloody Baboons!" Taylor left Earth to find a better place and ended up where he started. In the book, Ulysee is kind and respectful towards the apes, and he was granted citizenship to their civilization and begins to assign apes human features. Ulysee was granted citizenship because of the speech he made before them. He gave that speech with respect and loyalty towards the apes for acceptance. The tones in the boo...